Feb 5, 2009

What are Weakness in Safe List

How would you like to send his messages to people who do not know, but is expected to receive such mail from you? Wait a minute. This is not good law. How can this be?

It is simple, if you know what really happens. Anyone who is on these lists, also known as safe lists, knows that they will receive emails from other users. This is possible because this is one of the conditions of their "safe list" membership.

And for those who join these lists tend to agree with this condition because they themselves would want to send their own commercial emails to another list.

The result: everyone is sending emails to one another, but no one is reading them!

It becomes worse when some savvy members sign membership with free or more often used to store useless emails they will never bother to open and read.

Having said that it is always wise to start your own mailing list and to build a opt-in subscribers, no matter how tempting safe lists can be or how many.

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