Feb 5, 2009

Refrain from Buying Bulk Mails

I am sure that you have certainly come across ads which reads as follows: "1000000 e-mail addresses of 29.99 dollars." Most of these companies even offer in the mail to you the names of the CD on your doorstep.

To be sure, there are 1000000 and a joint is the best thing that could happen to any Internet Marketer and often seem too good to be true. But in many cases, they always sound too good to be true.

Beginning of many marketers do not know is that most of these companies harvest the email addresses using robots and other fixtures on the Internet. 1000000 This is how e-mail addresses is achieved, whatever the amount.

Now, the truth is that a terrible, if you buy the so-called names of 1000000 even at a low price, and not only is a waste of time, you run the risk of being accused of spamming. It is no longer a surprise how often receive unwanted messages from Viagra, and OEM Software objects do not even need in your Inbox.

That this is possible, because of the names 1000000, no one knows or even request that I joined your mailing list.

Furthermore, not all e-mail address is 1000000 in the use of part of them could be their own by the same owners (one owner owns more than 1 in the accounts of e-mail), or outdated.

When you read these ads again, you say that a waste of money.

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