Nov 13, 2008

Psychology of Physical Fitness

Physical conditioning is one of the very important elements in the plays. The zeal may be obtained in cases where physical, mental and nervous system are in harmony. A rigorous and systematic training is essential for the player tournament.

Regular hours of sleep and regular exercise, healthy meals at regular hours, it is necessary that the body which at its peak performance. Food is very important. Eat well, but not over-eat, particularly immediately before playing. I believe that a large breakfast on the day of a major battle. This should be taken nine to thirty. A moderate lunch in one hour if playing at three. Do not eat very rich food for lunch because it tends to slow you on the right side. Do not threaten to digestive problems, which is the worst enemy dear eyes. Rich heavy food just before retirement is bad because it is appropriate to "loggy" on the right to the next day.

It is certain injury to touch alcoholic beverages in any form tournament games. Alcohol is poison, which affects the eyes, minds and wind into three basic tennis. Tobacco in moderation does not have an injury, although it also affects the eye and wind. A man who have a long season in the tournament play should refrain from either alcohol or tobacco in any form. Excesses of all kinds, it is bad for physical condition, and should not be risked.

"Staleness" is a great enemy of players who play a long period. It is a too much tennis. Staleness is rarely physical fatigue. You can always recover his strength by rest. Staleness is the mental fatigue is often because of fear or too much emphasis on tennis, and there is no doubt many thought. Its symptoms are like to play tennis and its environs, and the lack of interest in the game when you're on the right side. I advocate a break in training at a time. See a play or concert, and get your mind completely shut down tennis. Do your worrying about tennis, if you play it and forget the inconvenience of poor play when you are away from the court. Always have some outside interest, you can go to relax during the tournament, but never allow it to interfere with your tennis, they are committed to your game. A good balance is difficult to achieve, but once it is achieved, it is a great support for the player tournament.

Education laws should be closely monitored before and after the game. Do not get chilled in the match, then it does slow and stiff. In particular, can not become a free wrap around after the match, when you catch a hot or cold.

Many a player has acquired touch of rheumatism from wasting time at the end of his battle to get his position while still hot shower. Slight stiffness the next day may mean defeat. And it can mean a serious chill severe illness. Do not take chances.

Change your wet clothes to dry between matches, if you have to play twice in one day. It is better, and also avoid the risk of colds.

Tournament players must sacrifice some of the sea because of the success. Training will win many a battle for the man when he holds it. Sporadic training is useless and should never be attempted.

Condition that the player is, it is likely to determine his mental point of view, and support him in accustoming themselves to the external conditions to play.

All game players should know a little about the phenomenon of crowd-psychology since, as is the Church-Murray match I related some time back, the crowd can play an important role in the outcome.

This applies to the rare crowd to you. Always be paid to win their sympathy. I do not play to the gallery will have the opposite effect than you need.

The gallery is always the weakest player. It is a matter of assistance "under-dog." If you are in line winner must get used to the fact that the gallery show partiality for your opponent. It is not a personal dislike of you. It is just a natural reaction to the loser. Sometimes the wrong decision on the player to win the sympathy of the crowd to him. Gallery is extremely bare in their wishes, although at times their emotions run away with them.

Irrespective of the effect of the gallery, I want to state here that when you are the beneficiary of a decision that is wrong you know, seek to eliminate, as far as possible unostentatiously lost the next point. Do not hit the ball with his back to stop or at the bottom of the net with a jaunty air "here." Just click on it a little bit off or the network, and go on about your business on a scheduled journey. Your opponent always knows when you extend him this justice, and he understands it, even though it expect. Never to power. This is a very bad taste. Only that when your sense of justice says that you should.

The crowd objects, and correctly so as to display the real humor to the court. The player who loses his head, it must reckon with poor reception in the gallery. Question on the decision of the player, only to him in a bad light with the crowd and can not change their place. You may know that the call was bad, but Grin on the crowd and to register. These things are the foundation of good sportsmanship and good sports win any gallery. The most unattractive player in the world, will receive the respect and admiration of the crowd and display of real sportsmanship at the time of the test.

Any player who really enjoys the game for the game in order to be always good athlete, because there is no entertainment on the game, which makes your opponent each right. A player who played for the joy of victory crowd on the first steps on the court. The whole world loves an optimist.

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